顕微分光ユニット 20/30 PV

顕微分光ユニット 20/30 PV

メーカー : CRAIC
型番 : 20/30 PV
分野・用途 : 顕微分光システムおよび顕微鏡







印刷物・文書解析・インク解析・細胞(タンパク質)観察・光源解析(LED等)・有機ELディスプレイ解析・半導体解析・表面プラズモン共鳴・顕微膜厚測定 など


20/30 PV specification

Microspectrophotometer Range 200 to 900 nm
With NIR option Up to 2100 nm
Imaging Deep UV to NIR
Fluorescence Emission 300 to 1000 nm
Fluorescence Excitation 254 to 546 nm
Sampling Area Variable from 1 to 10000 microns2
Spectral Resolution User selectable from 1 to 15 nm
Detectors Offered CCD and InGaAs Arrays
Detector Cooling Thermoelectric
Scan Time (Full Range) 8 millisecond minimum
High Resolution Color Imaging Included
UV-visible-NIR Imaging Up to 5.0 megapixels available
Programmable Stage with Mapping Available
Full Automation Available
Operating System Windows 7 Pro, Windows 8
Raman Spectrometer Integration* Available

*See CRAIC ApolloTM specification sheet for Raman options and specifications.